SelPhyS 2018 (3rd Edition)

Self-Awareness in Cyber-Physical Systems

April 23rd, 2018 - Aston University, Birmingham,UK

The concept of self-awareness has become a hot research topic in a variety of disciplines such as robotics, artificial intelligence, control theory, networked systems, and so on. Its applicability has been explored in various application domains such as automotive, military, consumer electronics, industrial control, medical equipment, and so forth. The topic owes its attractiveness to many examples in insects, larger animals and humans, where self-awareness is attributed to facilitate highly resilient and outstandingly efficient behaviors. Thus, self-awareness holds the promise to promote dependability in all types of smart gadgets and artificial agents in the interconnected world of future.
The main purpose of this workshop is to build a community and to try to develop a shared and communal understanding of the main concepts underlying self-awareness with respect to CPS. Currently, self-awareness is studied in a range of different communities, where the underlying assumptions, definitions and goals differ significantly. This workshop will provide a forum for reflections and in-depth discussions of the pivotal concepts of this field which will serve as a basis for building an integrated scientific community and for developing future research projects.
In addition to invited keynote speech and participants’ talks, we will study and scrutinize specific systems and underlying concepts of self-awareness and its respective properties in hands-on exercises and group discussions. The workshop will engage in a visioning exercise to highlight challenges and possible solutions, with a plan to generate a position paper and invitations to publish in a special issue of a journal and/or an edited book. Through engagement of the community in this workshop we hope to generate new ideas for future research directions and foster new and stronger collaborations.

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